Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things.....

After 4 to 6 weeks of feeling just BLAH both on my part and Steeler's - we are finally getting back into training mode.  The boys are both adjusting to Logan's absence and we are all starting to recover.  Tonight Keegan played a little bit with Steeler while throwing the frisbee out back.  Keegan went through a period where he didn't want to be left alone and didn't want to be in the house even when we were home.  Poor Keeg!  His entire life, Logan has been there.  We did everything together back then, agility, walks in the woods, trips to where ever.  At any rate, I feel that Keegan is on the mend. 

Steeler has been getting back into the swing of things as well.  We competed in another CDSP trial up at the Monadnock Humane Society, and while his runs were nice - they didn't have much enthusiasm.  Watch the videos and see what you think.

Novice C run #1
Novice C run #2

 Before I start to panic, I am going to chalk it up to the fact that we were both a little off balance.  We had a few not so great training sessions as well, BUT I think that we are both starting to mend.  We've had one great agility class, and last week we had a really fun training session with friends.  We worked on some specific obedience skills but we also worked on some "real life" type stuff.  A lot of it was similar to some of the control unleashed exercises in Leslie McDevitt's book.  We put a new twist on "group stays" ....

Following our training session Steeler and I went down for obedience run thru's.  We had two rally runs and one Novice run.  Steeler did awesome - despite the fact that I was a nervous wreck because there were a ton of people there.  I did get to see some friends I don't see often - so that was a nice bonus! 

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us.  This weekend I am taking Steeler to agility run thru's for the first time in over a year.  He has been doing pretty well in class, so we are going to give this a try.  The following weekend we are entered in another CDSP trial.  I entered him in Novice C again.  Then we have an APDT rally trial the following weekend.  Did I say BUSY?????    I think I might take a bit of a break in April.  Steeler and I are going to the Denise Fenzi seminar at MasterPeace Dog Training - but other than that I am not signed up for anything yet.  Hopefully I won't get too carried away and book up all my weekends.  :-)